For the smooth running of the Centre we have a variety of ways of communicating to parents. Kanohi ki te knaohi, face to face! We love to see you everyday when you drop and pick up your children. We also frequently communicate important information by email. Other common communications are listed below:
Newsletter A regular newsletter is posted on StoryPark to whānau, letting you know what exciting activities the children have been involved in and also what's coming up. This is also displayed in the Lake Ōkāreka Community website
Minutes of Board Meetings On the enrolment form you are given the opportunity of providing us with your email address to have the minutes of meetings sent to you. Otherwise the minutes are available from the Preschool.
Whiteboard The teachers use a whiteboard (at the front door each morning) to give you particular messages for that day.
Individual Child Profiles and Storypark Each child has their own profile book, which holds learning stories, parent’s voice, child’s voice, photographs and artwork. Preschool also uses an online platform called Storypark whereby each child has their own private and personal profile that helps teachers, parents and families to work together to record, share and extend children's learning. The profile books are updated regularly by the teachers and are available at any time for you to look at. It can be taken home and shared with whānau and will be given to the child when he/she leaves Preschool. Upon enrolment you will be given more information about the learning stories and parent’s voice.
Informal Teacher/Parent Feedback The teachers welcome you to ask questions or seek information about your child.
Term Plans The teachers plan the term following the interests, strengths and needs of the children in conjunction with Te Whāriki – The Early Childhood Curriculum. However as we are a child driven Centre the focus may change during the course of the term.